The kids are out of school, and summer is here, so let the fun begin! It may not be much fun if you have a child who cannot focus, has poor impulse control, and just turns the house upside down. The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) says as many as 1 in 5 children in the United States has some form of mental disorder. Mental disorders may show up as: 

    • ADHD (approximately 6 million children) 
    • Anxiety (approximately 5.8 million children) 
    • Behavior problems (approximately 5.5 million children) 
    • Depression (approximately 2.7 million children) 

Other signs of a mental health problem may include maintaining minimal eye contact, appearing withdrawn, or complaining of unexplained headaches or stomachaches.  If you wonder or suspect something is amiss with your child’s behavior, speak to your pediatrician or mental health provider at OCHS.  


Universal screening opportunities are available to identify children who may have mental health concerns and promote early intervention to prevent the long-term effects of a childhood mental health disorder. Your provider will do the necessary tests and work with you to determine how to help your child best. 


Remember, medication is not an answer to every problem.  


Non-medical intervention includes partnering with your child’s school or other community organizations, such as places of worship, youth sports leagues, or the Boys and Girls Club of America, to keep your child engaged and active. 


So don’t give up. Get help for your child if you suspect a problem. The solution may surprise you.  


Have a wonderful summer!